Step into the Wild Challenge - Day 27

Day 27 - The Seasons …

The last couple of days we’ve been talking about the sun and the moon and hopefully it’s got you thinking about how the natural world is a part of us, and we are part of it.

The seasons, regardless of where you live also impact us. For us in North America, we are blessed with four distinct seasons that transition us through our lives year to year. Spring is fast approaching and with it the seeds are starting to stir beneath the soil. The increasing light each day affects not only the plants, trees and animals preparing for spring – we feel it too.

With March our thoughts turn to warmer, longer days, and the “hunkering down” and nesting of winter is giving way to feelings of increasing energy, renewed connection, love and change. This is no co-incidence as all living creatures (in this hemisphere) are feeling the same thing!

Today’s challenge is to embrace the “natural” impulses rising in you and do something today to honour that impulse.

Naomi Brett