Step into the Wild Challenge - Day 26

Day 26 - The Moon …

Yesterday’s challenge was to spend some time in the sun… today (or tonight’s challenge) is to spend some time with the Moon.

It seems like we only marvel at the moon (or notice it) when it’s a full moon and we can’t help by admire its luminous gaze from the heavens. There is something spectacular about a full moon rising above the landscape that makes us aware of our connection with the greater universe.

Here’s your challenge… step outside each night for a week and find the moon. Watch over the month how the moon waxes and wanes throughout its cycle. Which is which? Here’s a little trick I use. Hold your arms out in front of you, palms facing each other but slightly turned out like you’re receiving something and cup your hands. If the moon is “growing” or waxing – the curve of the moon will fit in your right hand. If the moon is “waning” or growing smaller, the curve of the moon will fit in your left hand.

Watch how the moon changes each night and cycles from full moon to new moon (no moon) and back again. The gravitational pull of the moon affects the water in the ocean which creates our tides. Think about that for a moment and what a tremendous pull that must be. Then consider that our bodies are made up of mostly water and know that the moon has an effect on us as well.

Happy Moonwatching!

Naomi Brett