Step into the Wild Challenge - Day 28

Day 28

Congratulations! You made it – 28 days of being more connected with nature and the outside world. You may have skipped some days, and as I mentioned in Day 1, that’s okay. My goal for this challenge was to encourage you to “remember” how to connect with nature, like you did when you were young.

Sometimes it just takes a couple of days of being mindful of what’s around us, and appreciating that nature is there to help us remember what’s important. When you connect with nature, you are more likely to appreciate the “little things” and when you practice these daily challenges, you start to recognize the tiny miracles that are all around and that can make life a little sweeter.

And lastly, when you begin to remember how special the natural world is, it encourages us to look after the natural world and become it’s champion, whether its planting a pollinator garden, leaving the leaves in your garden in the fall or welcoming critters into your yard. Continue to talk to your tree!

So, today’s final challenge is to continue practicing some of your favourite challenges. Even if you just find one or two from the past month that resonated with you and do it once or twice a week (or every day!)

Watch the blog for ongoing Challenges periodically throughout the year.

Thanks for coming along with me on this trip and remember to Step into the Wild...

Naomi Brett