Step into the Wild Challenge - Day 20

Day 20 - Take a Night walk…

Unless you have a dog to walk, you may not be inclined to venture out to enjoy nature at night – especially in the winter when there are no campfires, barbeques etc that entice you out into the night. Even when we’re outside at night in the summer, we are often distracted by activities.

Wintertime is a wonderful time to enjoy the undistracted, connecting opportunities that a night-time walk in nature can offer. If there is snow on the ground, it will “light” your way… leave your flashlight at home, your eyes will adjust, and go for a night stroll just to take it all in.

Listen to the crunch of snow, feel the cold air on your face , notice the play of the moon through the tree branches, and take in the quietness of winter at night.

If you’re not comfortable walking by your self at night, take a friend… just set some ground rules that for this walk, it will be a “silent” walk with no conversations, just connection…

If walking at night isn’t an option for you, find a spot in your yard, preferably away from lights, bundle up and commit to sit for 5 minutes breathing in all the beauty of nature at night… Who knows – this might become the favourite part of your day :)

Naomi Brett