Step into the Wild Challenge - Day 13

Day 13 - Inside days…

Between the frigid cold in the West and the snowsqualls in the East, sometimes it feels like a cozy up and stay inside day! If it’s that kind of a day for you today, there are still lots of ways to connect when you don’t feel like making the trek outside (although walking in a snowstorm is one of my favourite things to do!).

Looking for a good book on a cold day? There are so many wonderful nature books out there. One of my favourites is The Hidden Life of Trees. There is a small paperback version or if you want to splurge, there is an illustrated version shown on this post which makes a person feel better just looking at the beautiful pictures. Or, browse through your Netflix account or streaming service for any nature/gardening shows.

Some "virtual" nature is just what you need if you’re feeling a little glum being cooped up inside and can’t get out!

If you’re a gardener (or want to be) these are perfect days for visioning this years gardens. Flip through some old magazines, do some clipping and start a vision board of what speaks to you. Enjoy and share any great shows that you find, books you have or dreams for your garden!

Naomi Brett